Facilitating Brazilian Dairy Exporters' Expansion into Thailand's Cheese and Dairy Market Analysis through Comprehensive Research Drawing from Government Statistics and Industry Reports, Paired with Primary In-Depth Interviews with Key Industry Players.

The Client
The client is the Trade and Investment Sector of the Brazilian Embassy in Bangkok - SECOM is responsible for promoting trade, investment, and business opportunities between Thailand and Brazil. They wanted to profile Cheese and Dairy Market Analysis for Thailand.
The Challenge
There are two primary sources of data; secondary research and primary research. For secondary research we collected data from various sources including;
Import and export statistics from the Customs Department, Ministry of Commerce
List of key industry players who are registered companies from the Department of
Market report and industry reports from Food Intelligence Centers, under the National Food Institute (NFI)
Annual reports of key players, Local news, Journal, article from business newspaper and trade magazine
The Process
Our market analyst led the project with the support from project co-ordinator and managed by our PM.

Market Analyst: As there are various products in the sector we broke down the market into six product segments which are milk and cream, flavoured UHT milk based drink, yogurt, whey protein, butter and cheese. Our analyst went through details for each product segment collecting desk research data such as import and export statistics, industry report and news search to identify key market players as well as understanding market trends.
Project Coordinator: With the list of players developed by our market analyst, our project coordinator approached key player one by one in order to schedule meeting for in-depth interviews. We approached more than 50 companies and conducted about 10 in-depth interviews with key opinion leaders.
Project Manager: Our Project Manager (PM) facilitated the team by developing discussion guide, analysis framework as well as throughly checking the report and data to ensure that we reported market facts that help the Brazilian companies to prioritise products to enter into the Thai market.
The Outcome: Cheese and Dairy Market Analysis Report
The report is made available via the website (gov.br). There are mainly six parts of the report that contain information on the market outlook, regulartory structure and import rules for products related to cheese and dairy. We also provided the industry value chain and distribution channel overview as well as priotisation of products and evaluating the opportunity for brazilian products.